
Your Skills

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Nourish your creativity

Find your creative flow! Visually articulate your ideas!

My individual coaching sessions are for…


…open-minded and driven professionals and academics aspiring to create a visual storytelling skillset in their career, entrepreneurial ventures, or general communication abilities. The ability to say “I want to grow” is the only enzyme required to catalyze your personal growth and transcend how you pursue and share your ideas.


That sounds like it’s for me!


Individual Coaching

  • One complimentary consultation
  • Seven sessions (up to two hours)
  • Creative Slideware book (free)
  • Hands-on presentation design support
  • Three months’ duration


3-Months of 1:1 Presentation Design Coaching

This individually tailored program will help you achieve clarity in how to edit presentations, confidence in visually articulating your ideas, and give you a boost to experience creative breakthroughs! This program focuses on our three rules of good presentation design: comprehension, retention, and engagement. Caitlin is here to support and help you in your design skill journey! 


Secure your time slot today!

Individual Presentation Design
Coaching Areas

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1. The Basics

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You are about to embark on your professional or academic career. Presentation design is not something you have practiced in-depth, but you recognize the importance of conveying a message to your audience. We are going to focus time on developing a solid foundation. We won’t let the fear of starting get in your way! I will teach you everything you need to know to become an unstoppable force of effective visual communication in your field. Learning by doing is the best way to learn.


That’s me. I’m in!

2. Confident Storytelling

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How your ability to articulate a compelling story will change as a result of having a system to put main ideas, themes, and juicy details into a chronology. Sometimes we get stuck and wander from the core message, diluting the importance of what it is that we have to share. If you join this storytelling program, you are going to experience more moments of clarity in how you put your vision into words and ideas within a slide presentation. I am going to teach you a successful system that builds your confidence in storytelling.


Let’s get going!

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3. Dialed-up Design

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The stakes are high. You have to give that perfect pitch presentation next month. Maybe your day-to-day operating environment is an uber-competitive one. If this is you, a little help picking up high-performing presentation design and editorial habits can go a long way. I am going to teach you to find control in your design efforts to minimize tiresome iteration. The result? An upgraded ability to build solid presentations that stand the test of time constraints and critical eyes.


Think like a designer.

4. Creative flow

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Sometimes you don’t know what your vision should look like until you see manifested. Very often that causes us to push things for later and fall into a pattern of procrastination. We often negatively cast ourselves as “not creative types,” and shy away from practicing creative play in our presentations. Believe it or not, artisans of all types get their own form of “writer’s block.” We tend to overthink things, or not reach far enough. I will teach you how to exercise your creativity so that it never atrophies again. Together, we will go through a series of techniques and strategies to expand and refine your ability to find your creative flow.


I want to expand my creativity!

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Upgrade Today

I’m ready to think like a designer