creativity &

Bold thinking

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Build a culture of movers
and shakers

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Developing visionaries and bold communicators

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How would it feel if your organization had a more fluid exchange of ideas, projects, and problem-solving? What would that look like? How much more productive would your team be? Visual communication and creative problem solving make business fun and exciting if you have the right tools and methods at your disposal. If you don’t break the ice, your people could be stuck in a creative lull. I am here to help you remove the roadblocks and expand mindsets to ignite a new kind of energy within your teams. This program combines business communications, interactive case studies, creative coaching practices, and teamwork. Invite me for a few sessions with your people, and I will transcend how your team engages in business storytelling and visual communication.


Let’s get your team started

These seminars are best suited for people who:

  1. See the importance of articulating their vision and the ability to tell (sell) their ideas in a presentation. They see this skill as a core tenant of becoming an effective communicator and leader.
  2. Genuinely want to invest time, energy, and focus in developing themselves and their skills to become better at something. It does not happen overnight, but I can get you there faster.
  3. Simply want to build their creative confidence. In order for you to succeed with the principles and lessons taught in this seminar, you simply have to want more creativity. Being an “artist” or “creative” is not a prerequisite to this seminar! 

A repeatable method and approach to visual storytelling

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Presentation design, storyboarding, and tailoring messages to audiences in ways that set your people up for success is the primary goal of these seminars. There are many templates for presentations, but what I am going to teach is not found anywhere else –“Creative Slideware” is a method that your people can easily follow to make visual storytelling a practice. The repeatable framework I offer is a hands-on learning experience that can help your team communicate complex concepts and drive positive momentum in your organization.


Is your team ready?

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In-person seminars include:

  •  Assessment of the current presentation design and visual communication levels of your team
  •  Identification of your key audiences and tactics for creating the “right stories”
  •  Case studies and hands-on activities that are aligned to your industry
  •  Learn the “Creative Slideware” design principles and elements framework
  •  Live editing demonstrations and editing do’s and don’ts activities
  •  Tactics for getting over creative roadblocks


Upgrade visual storytelling skills within your business